My mission is to help women feel confident in their athletic ability, in their strength, in their body, and in the gym. I currently offer one-on-one coaching to help you not only accomplish your personal goals, but empower you to not be afraid of lifting, being strong, or taking space in the weight room.

  • 30-min complimentary consultation

    In this initial session, we’ll discuss your goals, your current schedule, your priorities, and your fitness history. We’ll figure out if what I offer would be a good fit for your goals, as well as allow me to get a better idea of YOU and how to create a plan that would best work with your lifestyle.

  • 1-hr kick-off call

    We discuss our game plan.

    You shouldn’t plan your life around your fitness, I’ll help you plan your fitness around your life. Let’s say you’re traveling for work Monday through Thursday. Monday you know you’ll be exhausted from an early-morning flight, Tuesday and Wednesday you have team and client dinners, Thursday you fly back, and Friday you’re going out with friends. Working out and eating under X number of calories every day that week would be stressful and unrealistic. Instead, we’ll create a strategy for cardio and resistance-training that’ll suit to your schedule. I will also work with you to figure out your caloric and macronutrient needs based on your diet and lifestyle. We’ll strategize easy recipes, meal prepping, healthy eating-out options, and I’ll talk you out of trying that juice cleanse.

  • gym program

    Although this is the bread and butter of my coaching, there are no cookie-cutter plans here! (Ba dum tss.) Seriously though, I tailor your gym program to YOU, this is not one-size-fits-all. Based on your goals, your schedule, and your equipment, you will receive a full-detailed plan of workouts, video instructions included. These will be adjusted each week to increment in weight and fully rebuilt every 5 weeks.

  • weekly check-ins

    I’m just as invested as you are in you reaching your goals. These check-ins will be used to assess our progress and adjust the program for the following week, whether some unexpected project came up or whether you learned you hate burpees with a passion. These will also serve as a method to hold you accountable to following our plan and achieving the results you’re looking for!

Sounds like something you’re looking for?


Similarly to my one-on-one coaching, I currently offer in-person training sessions to empower you to not be afraid of lifting, being strong, or taking space in the weight room.

** Currently, only offering sessions virtually over Zoom. **

Interested in learning more?